Wednesday, September 17, 2008

A new blog

It occurred to me this morning, as I am working my way through a bad mood and posting every fleeting thought in my head onto Twitter, that I need a blog. An honest to goodness place to record the things I think and dream about, as well as a spot where I can vent. That way, the Twitterworld can be spared my machine-gun postings.

I also wanted a place to post gratitudes. A couple of nights ago, I talked to one of my oldest friends, Tawnya. Tawnya is on her way back from a two week car journey out west, a trip she calls her "vision quest". One of the things that we talked about was voicing and showing gratitude for the blessings in one's life. And I realized that I could be more grateful. Or at least I could voice my gratitude more often.

So anyone who reads this will probably get an eyeful of all sorts of varia that will amuse, confuse, amaze, frighten, or simply nauseate. Read at your own risk.

Today's gratitudes:

  • I am grateful for my job, and for finding employment that allows me to be me, at least 75% of the time. I love teaching with every fiber of my being.
  • I am grateful to have a home in a beautiful, relatively safe neighborhood with neighbors who look out for us.
  • I am grateful for my family...people who love me unconditionally, even when it's hard to do.
  • I am grateful for my husband, and for all the lessons I'm learning by loving you.
  • I am grateful for my chosen family. I am so grateful to the handful of girlfriends that have stuck with me for years and years and eons.
  • I am grateful for my four pups, who fill my days with love and who think I'm the most wonderful creature on earth.
  • I am grateful for my smarts, which compensate for many other inadequacies.
  • I am grateful for whatever it is within me that has allowed me to lose 104 pounds and counting.
Ok, that's good for now, eh?

Off to class in a minute. I'm giving a test, which means that I really don't have to do anything except proctor and make sure no one's helping him/herself to someone else's answers. Afterward, I'll go to the local coffee perk and grade papers, and maybe blog some more. Who knows.

Morning songs 9/17:
"Shut Your Eyes"--Snow Patrol
"Naked Eye"--Luscious Jackson
"Jump Around"--House of Pain
"Club Foot"--Kasabian
and the inimitable
"Drive That Fast"--Kitchens of Distinction

Love to you all. More later.

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