Monday, September 22, 2008

Blue Monday

I don't want to feel blue. Honestly, I don't. But sometimes life gets to me. On the inside, I'm a happy person with a lot of love to give. Right now, however, I feel oppressed by circumstances. My financial situation really sucks with a capital SUCK. And because of that, other things get colored marriage, my friendships, my family relationships. I feel like I can't walk in the world with my head held high because of money. I really want things to change. I want to feel like I can be generous with time, money, and energy. I want to feel like I can take care of my life and to walk through life like an adult.

My friend Tawnya tells me that the key to change is to think more positively, and that through positive thinking, I'll effect the changes that I need to make. I'm trying it. I want to rise above what is to what CAN BE.

So today, I'm grateful for:
  • the house I live in
  • the little bit of money I have in the bank
  • the job that lets me pay the bills
  • the generosity of people around me
  • the life I have
  • the place I have in society
  • the car I have
  • the pups
  • the decisions that I've made that have led me to this place
  • that urge within me that lets me know that the best in life is still ahead of me

I can effect change in my life if I allow myself to believe I can.

Today's music:

dogs barking in the backyard, "Little Wing" by SRV, and "Desire" by U2.

1 comment:

theminx said...

I hope you're being grateful just because you are, and not because you are grasping at straws to find something to be happy about. Thinking positively about your situation goes beyond merely being happy with what you have - you need to strive for what you don't have. And you are smart and strong and extremely lovable - there's no reason why you can't achieve everything you desire.

Unless you let something hold you back.