Monday, October 13, 2008

Coffee dream

I wanted to mention this here so I don't forget it, although I don't expect to be able to make any sense of it, nor do I think any of my friends will have particular insight. If you do, however, let me know.

I don't exactly remember the visual of the dream I was having last night. However, I do remember dreaming that I smelled coffee. The sensation was so vivid that I remember thinking that Patrick had gotten up and made coffee for me, something he does not do. I laid there in bed, still in my dream state, thinking that coffee was brewing. But when I came to full awareness, there was no coffee. So what was the coffee dream about?

I wish I knew, because I've had it before, but not for a long time. The last time I had it, and I remember this very well, was around Valentine's day in 1995. Before that, I remember driving through the Ft. McHenry tunnel one time and being struck by the scent of coffee, but there was no coffee in the car and I certainly wasn't driving through Colombia (the country!) ...just under the harbor.

So yeah, coffee. Weird.

1 comment:

theminx said...

I've been having lots of weird dreams lately, but none about coffee. Wonder what Edgar Cayce would have to say about it? Gotta find mom's old book....

I tagged you for a meme on my fragrance blog....